

Big word, so many layers...


We know what it means to us – broken promises, hurtful actions, damaged trust... all painful stuff. There is unwritten human code that says: if you are my friend, you are always supportive of me, you always stand by my side. If you are my lover... the expectation is ever higher. I guess it is all fair – in an ideal world we take care of everybody and radiate the love all around and help when we can... but none of us came here to be angels. If we are to believe that we are here to advance ourselves as souls, then hurt and betrayal is all part of the learning curve. 


I wonder about life and our journeys, what we are meant to do and experience, life lessons if you please. Some say that we come to this life with contracts at hand – things we want to learn and have formed agreements with other souls to assist us achieving it. So, what if the pain of betrayal is part of the journey, something we have asked for and possibly arranged to advance in life?

What about the other person? If by acting as they do, they are breaking all moral codes of humanity and yet they are fulfilling the agreement made prior to arrival on earth? Well, that just takes away my right to be angry!!! And my ego has a thing or two to say about forgiveness to non-deserving. However, turning back to the big picture with our limited perspective, perhaps it is all for our own good that some people go away from our lives in due time for reasons we could not begin to understand. And the betrayal is just the messenger we are not supposed to shoot. Pain is often the best teacher of many desirable traits of personality, like tolerance. Everybody has their journey and they have to endure their pain going with it... perhaps giving everybody a break and not judge is the way. We all have plenty weight to carry without added judgement of others or worse – burden of being judgemental of others. 


But then, looking at my own pain of betrayal and considering the above, is turning the other cheek the noble way – do i have to? Well, I don’t think I have to do anything I don’t want to. It is ok to feel hurt and not want any more of it dished out. We give people chances but then it’s a time to walk away and let them be. In silence we can forgive them and let them go with their own challenges at hand, rightfully so, not wanting to be any part of it. Take the lessons in life with humility and move on, at the end of the day, life is still beautiful and there is still more goodness to go around than many would make you believe.